Sunday, 4 March 2012

Questioning Strategies

This is an excellent resource for an overview of different questioning strategies. Questioning by teachers and learners is a crucial pillar of successful learning and thinking. However, it is important to keep it varied, to allow learners the chance to pose as well as answer questions.

Monday, 13 February 2012

REAL Behaviour for Learning ...?

A very interesting article describing some important aspects of behaviour for learning - follow this link.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Deep Learning Action Research Group 2012

Challenge 1

At the meeting of the Deep Learning ARG on 18th January, the group agreed to carry out some research into the use of plenaries and into effective questioning strategies. Please post comments to feedback from your plenary swap visits before the next meeting on March 14th. Use the resources to guide the kind of questions you used - and drop your reflections on how it went, and what the most effective questioning techniques were.